I’ve just come across this https://github.com/VSCodium/vscodium– It works well and let you install plugins (but not auto updates)
Get rid of the M$ license : https://carlchenet.com/you-think-the-visual-studio-code-binary-you-use-is-a-free-software-think-again/
Be able to run to independent apps and replace Sublime – two different shortcuts in two different apps is a bit too much.
Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode.git --depth 1
Edit product.json
Personalize your editor name. Example:
{ "nameShort": "MaaT Studio", "nameLong": "MaaT Studio", "applicationName": "maat-studio", "dataFolderName": ".maat-studio", "win32MutexName": "vscodeoss", "licenseName": "MIT", "licenseUrl": "https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/blob/master/LICENSE.txt", "win32DirName": "MaaT Studio", "win32NameVersion": "MaaT Studio", "win32RegValueName": "MaaTStudio", "win32AppId": "{{E34003BB-9E10-4501-8C11-BE3FAA83F23F}", "win32x64AppId": "{{D77B7E06-80BA-4137-BCF4-654B95CCEBC5}", "win32UserAppId": "{{C6065F05-9603-4FC4-8101-B9781A25D88E}", "win32x64UserAppId": "{{C6065F05-9603-4FC4-8101-B9781A25D88E}", "win32AppUserModelId": "MaaT.Studio", "win32ShellNameShort": "MaaT Studio", "darwinBundleIdentifier": "br.com.maat.studio", "reportIssueUrl": "https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/new", "urlProtocol": "maat-studio", "extensionAllowedProposedApi": [ "ms-vscode.references-view" ] }
Edit scripts/code.sh
Change the “Configuration” session to disable debugging. Example:
#!/usr/bin/env bash if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then realpath() { [[ $1 = /* ]] && echo "$1" || echo "$PWD/${1#./}"; } ROOT=$(dirname "$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")")") # On Linux with Electron 2.0.x running out of a VM causes # a freeze so we only enable this flag on macOS export ELECTRON_ENABLE_LOGGING=1 else ROOT=$(dirname "$(dirname "$(readlink -f $0)")") fi function code() { cd "$ROOT" if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then NAME=`node -p "require('./product.json').nameLong"` CODE="./.build/electron/$NAME.app/Contents/MacOS/Electron" else NAME=`node -p "require('./product.json').applicationName"` CODE=".build/electron/$NAME" fi # Node modules test -d node_modules || yarn # Get electron node build/lib/electron.js || ./node_modules/.bin/gulp electron # Manage built-in extensions if [[ "$1" == "--builtin" ]]; then exec "$CODE" build/builtin return fi # Sync built-in extensions node build/lib/builtInExtensions.js # Build test -d out || ./node_modules/.bin/gulp compile # Configuration export NODE_ENV=production export VSCODE_DEV=0 export VSCODE_CLI=0 export ELECTRON_ENABLE_STACK_DUMPING=0 # Launch Code exec "$CODE" . "$@" } code "$@"
Install the last version of Node 10.x
I recommend you to install the Node Version Manager (nvm) and install the last version of Node using it. Here is how to install Nvm.
nvm install 10.15.3
nvm use 10.15.3
Install Yarn
Yarn is a Dependency Management for JavaScript. You can check here more details
npm install yarn --global
Install the editor dependencies
Run the editor
sh scripts/code.sh
Now close it and go back to the console.
Compile the Editor
npm run gulp vscode-darwin-min
The binary will be a folder up from your git Repo, e.g. “../VSCode-darwin/MaaT Studio.app”. Move the “.app” file to “/Applications/”.
Add the executable to the Path
Change the path to your own:
sudo sh -c 'echo "/Applications/MaaT\ Studio.app/Contents/Resources/app/bin" > /etc/paths.d/maat'
Shorter the command line
mv /Applications/MaaT\ Studio.app/Contents/Resources/app/bin/code /Applications/MaaT\ Studio.app/Contents/Resources/app/bin/m
Open a new terminal and run:
m .
- No automatic updates: You have to compile from source every time you need to update.
- No external themes or plugins